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BPMCounter 2004  - 


F3....Save with names
F4....Metronome, On | Off
F5....BPM mode
F6....MPM mode
F7....Delay Time Calculator mode

CTRL-C........Copy values to clipboard, see Clipboard below. 
CTRL-1........Lock/unlock Artist field when saving. ( F3 )
CTRL-2........Lock/unlock Album field when saving. ( F3 )
SHIFT-ESC...Minimize program. Idea from Total Commander.
CTRL-O.......Always on top, On | Off
CTRL-T.......Transparency mode, On | Off

M.....Metronome in Delay mode, On | Off
Q.....Quicksave, same as F2.
R.....Reset, reset all counters, see Timeout below.
S.....Save with names, same as F3.

Tips & Notes:

Delay mode #1:
When in Delay mode(F7) and the textbox has focus,
when you click SPACE button, focus is changed to BEAT button.

Delay mode #2:
There is four ways to enter a BPM:

Value transfer:
The value(BPM) is sometime transfered between modes.
First mode is were counting is started.

When i Delay mode, doubleclick in panel to switch between Triplets On|Off.

Metronome, BPM and MPM mode only:
The Metronome(F4) is launched when the counter goes Timeout, that is after 3 sec.
To launch metronome in Delay mode use the M key or click M button.

Saving with names:
When you do a standard Save(F3), you must enter three values: Artist-, Album- and Trackname.
This is then saved in the file you have choosen.
If next value is from the same Artist and/or album you can lock these fields. (CTRL-1 and CTRL-2)
Text in locked textboxes will be restored on next program restart.
Only supported in BPM and MPM mode.

When you do a QuickSave(F2), only BPM or MPM values are saved, depending where you are.
No need to enter album stuff. When Quicksaving the file will get a prefix: Q_
Only supported in BPM and MPM mode.

Mean Average BPM:
This is shown i BPM and Delay mode. In BPM with small yellow numbers and in
Delay with text "AVG".
It's calculated like this:

Beat   BPM
1       173.4
2       168.9
3       173.1
4       170.8

Sum is 686.2 and you have counted four beats
that give a mean average bpm of 171.6.

If you have started the counter (BEAT button) and you don't push it again within 2.5 seconds,
the counter will Timeout. The next time you Push BEAT it will start all over again.

BPM rounding:
The BPM value is displayed in 0.5 steps. This is calculated like this.
If the first decimal is...

File format:
The file format is standard ASCII, you can choose these types: CSV, TXT and PRN.
Field delimiter between values is also a user settings: TAB, ";" and ",".

User applications:
You can add three applications in Settings, and they will be shown in View menu.

Metronome sound:
You can choose between three build-in sounds.

Transparency mode:
Make BPM Counter 2004 look transparent. Use CTRL-T to turn it on/off.
Default is 25%, change it in Settings.
Only supported on Windows 2000 or better.

Copy to Clipboard:
From all modes you can copy the values to the clipboard. Just right-click on the values and
select Copy to clipboard. You can also use the menu.

Close with Escape key (ESC):
If counter is not running (Off or Timeout status), program will close direct.
If counter is running you must push ESC twice.

Tray Icon:
In Settings you can select if you want to minimize to tray or not.

Always on top:
This is a user selectable in the View menu. (CTRL-O)

All settings made by program and installationprogram is stored in the registry under this key:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\PG software\BPM Counter\6.5

If you need to delete all settings to start all over. In the systemmenu there is
a "Delete registry settings" item. This will delete the above key.

All program from me is using the PG Software key.

Development tool:
BPMCounter 2004 is developed in Delphi.


I hope this will help you using my BPM Counter!
Peter, author

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